How do I become a cosmetology instructor?

We received this latest question online.
Hi there. I am journeyman licensed hairstylist in Canada for more than 3.5 years . I want to know how I can be a hair educator and how I can provide hair certification to my students . Please guide me for this process so I can pursue a career as a hair educator to guide people with knowledge of hair. Thanks.
Building a Curriculum
There are many steps to becoming a cosmetology instructor in Alberta, Canada. Hairstyling is a government-regulated occupation in Alberta. In other words, a regulatory body exists (Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training) that issues regulation relating to what needs to be included in a cosmetology curriculum.
A good start is to review their website for a detailed curriculum so that you can structure your program around that. As for the ‘meat and potatoes’ of your curriculum, try to find ways to make the theory fun and the practical work challenging.
We offer 2 online courses for aspiring beauty educators to help them develop their courses: THEORY and PRACTICAL.
THEORY is designed to help you construct a robust theoretical framework for your Beauty Program. On the other hand, PRACTICAL teaches you how to design and implement a hands-on experience that promotes skill development for aspiring beauty professionals.
Licensing Bodies
Beauty education businesses such as cosmetology schools require different types of licenses. Firstly, you will need a business license. This is issued municipally. Since you are a hairstylist by trade, you will need an active cosmetology license provided by Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training.
In addition, not all, but most beauty educators require a third license to teach beauty programs. This teaching license is issued provincially and the requirement of it depends on several factors. Our Program Licensing and Recognition course online is a quick way to navigate through the licensing processes and ensure financial wellness for both your institution and students alike. This course in 1-1.5 hours in length and reviews legal requirements, documentation, and procedures involved in offering your students certification as well as government student aid.
Best of luck!
Beauty Industry Resource Centre
(780) 604-2772
Tags: alberta, canada, cosmetology instructor, hairdresser instructor, hairstylist instructor
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