Course description
‘Practical Development’ prepares educators-to-be with the skills and knowledge necessary to create engaging and effective learning experiences for their students.
Participants will delve into the principles of hands-on education and student comprehension, and monitoring. The course covers instructional design methods that allow educators to craft purposeful training that aligns with the specific learning objective of their course.
By the course’s conclusion, participants will emerge with a comprehensive skill set, enabling them to design and deliver impactful hands-on learning experience.
Join us in this transformative course and unlock the key to designing program that inspires professional service techniques and elevates the standards for the future beauty professionals.
Prerequisite: Educators should have a minimum of 3 years of hands-on experience
Length: 3 hours
Price: $350- must register at least 24 hours before scheduled date
Delivery method: Online
JAN 24
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DEC 19
- Registrants are responsible for all charges of this registration at Executive Spa Group.
- It is the responsibility of the registrant to provide accurate information.
- Registrants authorize Executive Spa Group to verify statements in registration.
EXECUTIVE SPA GROUP Beauty Industry Resource Centre (780) 604-2772