employer,interview questions

What can employers ask me during an interview?

What questions are OK for the employer to ask?

There is this wonderful thing called the Alberta Human Rights Act. It applies to everyone, including employers who are interviewing potential employees.

This act was created by the Government of Alberta to promote fairness and equality. The act emphasizes 15 protected grounds which are off limits when asking interview questions.

The Alberta Learning Information System lists the following protected grounds (alisalberta.ca, 2024).

  • Race
  • Religious beliefs
  • Colour
  • Gender (including pregnancy and sexual harassment)
  • Physical disability
  • Mental disability
  • Age
  • Ancestry
  • Place of origin
  • Marital status
  • Source of income
  • Family status
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender expression
  • Gender identity

In other words, any questions regarding the items on the list above are deemed inappropriate. Take a look at this ALIS article on how to handle unacceptable questions.

Did you know we have a beauty industry job bank?

Our job bank is free, fast and easy to use. VIEW JOBS


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beauty industry work,criminal record

Working in the beauty industry with a criminal record

Can you work in the beauty industry with a criminal record?

We all make mistakes, especially when we’re young! The consequence of having a criminal record can present itself in heartbreaking disappointment when it comes to employment. However, working in the beauty industry with a criminal record is possible.

If your passion is beauty industry-related, don’t let a criminal record deter you from achieving your dreams. The beauty industry in Canada is included under Personal Care Services Code 8121 in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). This group is made up of businesses primarily engaged in providing personal care services (Statistics Canada, 2024). There are a number of occupations within Code 8121. For example, Hairstylist, Esthetician, and more specialized yet, Nail Technician, Lash Technician, PMU Artist, and so on.

In addition to encompassing a number of occupations, the beauty industry offers a variety of methods to earn money and not all require criminal record checks.

Methods of Employment in the Beauty Industry

Working in a Salon or Spa

Most employers in Personal Care Services are open to hiring Service Providers with criminal records depending on the offence and the amount of time that has passed since. An employer is more likely to be concerned with your education, experience, and perhaps social media following on a professional account. On the other hand, if a criminal background check reveals an assault or theft, you may want to be prepared with a response that will make the employer oversee the offence.

A few agencies in Alberta, Canada help people with criminal records find work. In particular, the Elizabeth Fry Society of Northern Alberta helps women in contact with the legal system.

Sole Proprietors

Many service providers go the sole proprietor route and rent a room or chair from an established salon, or start a home business. The ability to be your own boss makes having a criminal record irrelevant when working in the beauty industry.

Keep in mind that being your own boss takes discipline to succeed in the long run. We recommend starting as small as possible and working your way up. For instance, take a short course in an introductory skill (i.e Manicures and Pedicures) and build a small clientele from that service. As your clientele grows, learn more skills, gain new clients, earn more money!


Corporations aren’t always big, faceless companies. Many of your neighbourhood storefront salons and spas are corporations. If you decide to incorporate your business, similar to a sole proprietorship, having a criminal record is irrelevant when you are your own boss.

Beauty Industry Resource Centre
(780) 604-2772


Statistics Canada 2024, accessed 1 May 2024, <https://www23.statcan.gc.ca/imdb/p3VD.pl?Function=getVD&TVD=1369825&CVD=1369949&CPV=8121&CST=27012022&CLV=1&MLV=5>

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beauty industry,employment matters


Do you have any questions regarding work-related concerns?

The Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta have set regulations for all Canadian employers and employees to abide by. This resource list includes contacts for regulations surrounding work-related concerns, specifically, employment standards, human rights, and workplace health and safety.

See our contact list below or contact us directly for more information.

Visit Employment Standards if you have questions surrounding:

  • Earning deductions
  • Holiday pay
  • Maternity/Paternity leave
  • Termination
  • Pay records
  • Minimum wage
  • Vacation pay
  • Complaints

Visit Human Rights if you have questions surrounding:  

  • Dress codes and appearance
  • Duty to accommodate
  • Fairness in hiring
  • Leave for pregnancy and childbirth
  • Personal and sexual harassment
  • Respect in the workplace
  • Workplace discrimination

Visit Workplace Health and Safety if you have questions surrounding:

  • Safety training
  • Working alone
  • Worksite hazards and controls
  • Reporting an injury
  • Emergency response and preparedness plans

Finding the right information can be cumbersome at times. We hope this online resource helps! Executive Spa Group is a career and employment consultants that specializes in beauty industry work related concerns.

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Beauty Jobs Alberta

beauty jobs alberta
ESG Job Bank: Find or post beauty jobs in Alberta.

A job bank dedicated to beauty jobs in Alberta, Canada

Are you looking for beauty jobs in Alberta, Canada? Our job bank is beauty industry-specific and accessed by beauty professionals looking for employment opportunities in Alberta, Canada.

About us

Executive Spa Group offers beauty industry resources online that relate to career and employment matters.

Whether you are a recent graduate or a beauty professional with vast experience, our Career and Employment Consultant can help you answer beauty industry career and employment related questions.

Resources include: 

  • Résume critiquing
  • Résume development
  • Interview prep
  • Explaining gaps in employment
  • Working around lack-of or problem references
  • Employment Regulations and Standards

Employment or self-employment opportunities

Find both types of opportunities in our job bank! If you are seeking employment in an Alberta salon or spa, you can make our job bank work for you.

Or perhaps you are looking to rent a chair or a room within an existing establishment? If you are well-informed, renting space in your salon or spa can be an excellent method of secure income. Renting space in your salon/spa has pros and cons. Success in this personnel model depends primarily on 2 factors: your knowledge of rules and regulations on this topic, and the tenant/landlord relationship you conduct.

Browse by Job Type

Job seekers can also search for opportunities based on job type.

Tips when job searching

  • Use our template to help you create a resume and cover letter
  • Inform contacts used as references of your active job search
  • Avoid lengthy resume or cover letters
  • Keep job search records
  • Ensure voicemail is appropriate for job search

Tips when interviewing

  • Arrive on time, no excuses!
  • Prepare “ready-to-go” answers
  • Create your own list of questions for them
  • Do not offer private information until an offer of employment has been made in writing

Check out some of our other resources:

TRAINING 411: Beauty Educator Directory

Beauty Educator Program

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beauty career,beauty jobs,job seeker,resume tips,writing a resume

Tips on writing a resume

ESG tips on how to write a resume.

Why is it so hard to write a resume?

Writing a resume is difficult when you lack work experience or the training required to do a specific job. However, even when you have experience and/or training, putting the words down on paper can still prove a challenging task.

We recommend breaking down your resume-writing into two components:

  • Prep Day
  • Typing Day

Prep Day

What is your job goal? Have you narrowed this down to the industry? The particular employer? The more research you do, the better your resume will look.

Now that you’ve thought about your goal, allow yourself some time to think about the skills you think you need to have for your goal. For example, if you want to start at a “ABC Salon and Spa” as a receptionist, ask yourself, “what skills does that receptionist need to have?”

Let’s brainstorm…a good receptionist…

  • has a friendly demeanour and a welcoming smile
  • knows about services and products sold
  • is able to answer questions from clients
  • needs to work well with people
  • knows basic math
  • is able to use point of sales and booking systems
  • has good phone manners
  • ensures the clean maintenance of the facility
  • supports the team

Now that we’ve thought about the skills you would need for that particular position, ask yourself:

“What skills do I have that relate?”

Don’t focus so much on your duties at your previous job, as much as the skills you applied there.

If you have little to no work experience, think about skills you may use on your free time. What are your hobbies? Do they include particular skills?

Now that we have a list of your skills to pick from for later, our second task is to think about the personality traits required for your goal.

For example, a good receptionist has the following traits:

  • friendly
  • punctual
  • organized
  • intuitive
  • research-oriented

Now that you’ve thought about the traits you would need for that particular position, ask yourself, “what traits do I have that relate?”

Typing Day

Now that you have well-though-out ideas, organizing them into a resume will be a breeze!

Types of Resumes

  1. Chronological resume- your best bet if you have sufficient experience and the training required for your objective
  2. Functional resume- an excellent choice for those with little to no work experience
  3. Combo resume- best for those with skills from another industry not related to your job goal

Check out these helpful links:

Find a Job: A workbook to help you find the job you want

Work Search Basics

Visit our job bank.

Visit our job bank for beauty industry jobs. It is Alberta Beauty Industry- focused and contains up-to-date job listings in Alberta. 


Beauty Industry Resources

(780) 604 2772

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Executive Spa Group

(780) 604-2772
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