assessment,benefits,disability supports,dres,government of alberta,resources,supports,tutor
Are there supports for beauty industry workers with disabilities?

DRES. Not “dress”
YES. There are there supports for beauty industry workers with disabilities! Disability Related Employment Supports a.k.a. ‘DRES’ is a provincial employment support that funds supports or services for Albertans to help them find and maintain employment.
If the eligibility criteria for all parties are met, you may find supports in:
- education/training,
- job search and
- the workplace
Examples of eligible assistive services:
- job coach
- note taker
- academic aide
- tutor
Examples of eligible assistive technology:
- Set-up, installation and training on use of specialized equipment and/or software
- ramps
- wheelchair lifts
- widening doorways
- making a washroom accessible
- raising lowering or adapting a work station
- adapting equipment for the specific use of a person with a disability
- power door openers
Talk to a Career and Employment Consultant to see if you meet eligibility for DRES.
Now that you know about DRES, that “DRES” is quite lovely, don’t you agree?
Beauty Industry Resource Centre