Our job bank is beauty industry-specific and accessed by beauty professionals looking for employment opportunities in Alberta, Canada.
About us
Executive Spa Group (ESG) is a beauty industry resource centre. In addition to one-on-one career and employment services, we offer free online resources to help employers connect with job seekers.
Browse job bank by Category
Job seekers can search for jobs based on job category. With 27 categories to choose from, our job bank accommodates many beauty industry employment opportunities.
Browse by Job Type
Job seekers can also search for opportunities based on job type.
ESG tips when job searching
Photo credit: Andrew Neel
Contact ESG for help creating a resume
Inform contacts used as references of your active job search
Avoid lengthy resume or cover letters
Keep job search records
Ensure voicemail is appropriate for job search
ESG tips when interviewing
Arrive on time, no excuses!
Prepare “ready-to-go” answers using the STAR method
Create your own list of questions for them
Do not offer private information until an offer of employment has been made in writing
PLUS! Be on the look-out. We’re bringing back our resume bank 🤗
You’ll be able to post your resume to help employers find you!
Are you interested in this job but lack the requirements? ESG
offers short
training courses to help you reach your goals one step at a
With ESG, you can custom-design your beauty career by taking
the courses you are interested in. If you are joining the beauty industry, we
recommend starting off with esthetics basics like Manicures
and Pedicures or Waxing
and Tinting.
In a previous article, LinkedIn reports IBISWorld’s notes stating that beauty industry employment will grow steadily through 2017 at a nearly 4% annual rate.
Though these are U.S. figures, Canada is expecting a similar growth rate at 3.1%. In the article What’s Next? Beauty Industry Trends Point to Blooming Booth Rental Market, Elizabeth Kraus discusses relevant industry news as well as 6 ways the growing booth rental market might change the Beauty Industry.
Renting space in your salon/spa has pros and cons. Success in this personnel model depends primarily on 2 factors: your knowledge of rules and regulations on this topic, and the tenant/landlord relationship you conduct.
If you are well-informed, renting space in your salon or spa can be an excellent method of secure income.
Executive Spa Group provides Alberta beauty industry employers an opportunity to promote their rental opportunities. This is a complimentary service we offer to cultivate Alberta’s beauty industry.
Our job bank features a Room/Chair Rental category where you can post as many details you would like to describe.
Our job bank is free, fast and easy to use. When you post your listing with Executive Spa Group, you are able to post multiple listings for up to 30 days at a time. Candidates submit their resume and other application material directly to you, thereby allowing you to be fully in control of the screening and hiring process.
By advertising in our room rental job bank, you will ensure your posting is seen by beauty professional job seekers across Alberta. Our room rental opportunities job bank can help you reach more qualified service providers than ever before. Simply complete our template outlining the skill set you require and submit it for posting. It’s that easy. And because Executive Spa Group specializes in the beauty industry, finding service providers has never been so easy! Why post with Executive Spa Group?
Our job bank is Alberta Beauty Industry focused
Our job bank is visited by Service Providers in Alberta looking for their next employment opportunity
Executivespagroup.com attracts top industry employers and job seekers
Our job bank is easy-to-use
Our job bank is absolutely FREE!
To post your chair/ room rental job listings click HERE.