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The author, Silvia Sanchez, graduated from the University of Alberta with a B.A. in Psychology and has over 15 years of experience in the career-consulting field.

beauty careers,career building,courses,programs,schools,training providers

Choosing the right training provider.

choosing a training provider

Asking the following questions might be useful in helping you choose the right training provider for your career path.

What are the total fees?

What is covered in the total fee? Tuition? Books? A kit? Application fees? Graduation fees?

Is there a Work Experience component?

How much real experience will be provided if any?

What student support is offered if any?

Some schools may offer added support such as financial aid, job search services, counselling, computer access, etc.

What type of credential do I get when I graduate?

There is a difference between certificate and certification. Certification is industry-recognized and granted only after meeting industry requirements through testing. A certificate is documentation of participation in any given course.

What are the minimum and maximum class sizes?

Class size matters in technical training. How many students will you be competing with for your instructor’s help and attention?

Are there any student perks?

Some training providers may offer discounts at distributors post graduation. Other examples include parking, food services, technology supports, etc.

Are the instructors available for one-on-one support?

What methods can I use to contact my instructor after class?

Is there an attendance policy?

What is the training providers policy on attendance, personal image standards, conduct, etc?

What is the refund policy?

What if I change my mind before I start? The first week after? What if something unexpected happens that prevents me from finishing the course?


ESG is a Beauty Industry Resource Centre offering many free business, career, and employment services to Albertans. Contact us to meet with our Career and Employment Consultant who can help you develop a career path that is right for you.

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beauty careers,career building

QUESTIONS to ask when choosing a training path.

ESG is a Beauty Industry Resource Centre offering free business, career, and employment services to Albertans. Contact us to meet with our Career and Employment Consultant who can help you develop a career path that is right for you.

To help you choose the right training path, ask yourself the following questions:


If your goal is ENTREPRENEURSHIP, you have absolute freedom of your learning path.


Many personal care services require a certain amount of physical strength.


This includes money and time. Will you need to work while you train?


Certificate is different than certification. Certificates do not require you to pass an exam.


Things to consider are price, reputation, financing, location, student success rates, etc.


Do I learn by seeing, listening, or doing? Is on the job-training a possibility?

READ MORE: Questions to ask to help you choose the right training provider.


Beauty Industry Resource Centre

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T4 vs ROE- what is the difference?

Image courtesy of Andrea Piacquadio.

The different government forms you need to file can leave your head spinning! This article breaks down the difference between an ROE and a T4.

Record of Employment (ROE)

You file this form when you leave a job for good, or for a period of time. This form is very important because it is the document that determines whether or not you are eligible for Employment Insurance (EI) benefits.

The ROE documents the amount of hours you worked in the last 52 weeks prior to applying for EI. You must have worked at least 420 hours to be eligible for EI regular benefits.

Your employer is responsible to issue your ROE within 5 days of your last day.


You file this form every year that you work, even if you worked only a couple of days during the year.

Any employers that you had throughout the year should provide your T4 by February of the following year. For example, you should be receiving your 2019 T4 by February 2020.

Your annual T4 provides information that determines if you paid enough EI, CPP, and taxes according to how much money you made that year.

This form is used to file your taxes every year, but don’t worry, if you don’t have it, your pay stubs can be used to calculate your annual income.


Beauty Industry Resource Centre

(780) 604-2772

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careers and employment,ego defense mechanismss,mental health,personal growth,psychology,work issues

Don’t take it personal! It was just an Ego Defense Mechanism

Take a closer listen…

Emotions run high during times of stress, unfortunately, not everyone has good communication skills. It is important to understand why those around you may be dealing with stressors differently than you.

Take a look at the different Ego Defense mechanisms you or others may be employing to deal with current events.

1. DENIAL: The refusal to accept reality or fact.

Example: People refusing to isolate post travel.

2. REPRESSION: blocking unacceptable thoughts, feelings or impulses.

Example: Temporarily stepping away from all social media accounts.

3. PROJECTION: Putting undesired thoughts, feelings, or impulses onto someone else.

4. DISPLACEMENT: Taking your feelings or impulses about one person and putting them on another person or object.

Example: Having a fight with your friend when you’re frustrated by an unrelated matter.

5. REACTION FORMATION: A situation where a person saw their true feelings or thoughts to be unacceptable and reacts by taking the opposite stance.

6. RATIONALIZATION: Changing your view in the face of a new reality.

Example: Changing your views as we learn more details about COVID-19. Last week you were not practicing social distancing, this week you are.

7. SUBLIMATION: Channeling unacceptable impulses into acceptable ones.

Example: Jogging to burn off negative energy.

8. REGRESSION: Reversing to an early stage of development in the face of unacceptable thoughts, impulses, or circumstances.

9. INTROJECTION: This happens when a person takes on the ideas or voices of other people .

10. IDENTIFICATION: This occurs when a person changes facets of their personality to be more like others.

11. COMPENSATION: This occurs when people overachieve in one area to make up for failure in another.

Ego defense mechanisms at work.

These sometimes-ugly reactions can appear at work. The thing to remember is that ego defense mechanisms are unconscious ways of dealing with stress, so when you recognize them in others, don’t take it personal! Instead, show them you understand their fear and your relationship will grow.


Beauty Industry Resource Centre

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Personal Services Standards Review Section 2- Personal Services Workers’ Duties

Canadian spa industry standards

You are now at Section 2 of the Personal Services Standards and Regulations by Alberta Health. Section 2 deals with worker hygiene, hand hygiene and glove use, service assessment, cleansing service areas, and post care instructions.

The review of Section 2 could not come at a better time with the outbreak of the coronavirus. We are all responsible to prevent the spreading of disease.

Section 2- Personal Services Workers’ Duties

Personal Services Worker Skills and Knowledge

2.1 Personal services workers must be familiar with, and be able to demonstrate an understanding of:

2.1.1  the requirements of these Standards, as applicable to the personal services and activities the personal services worker performs;

2.1.2  injury and infection risks related to the personal services and activities they perform;

2.1.3  manufacturer’s instructions for safe use of the equipment, disinfectants, and cosmetic products that they use; and

2.1.4  facility- or business-specific written procedures applicable to the personal services and activities they perform.

*ESG NOTE: Service Providers should be aware of contraindications to all the services they offer to avoid injury or infection. Intake forms that ask the right questions can help to keep your eyes open for potential incidents.

Personal Services Worker Hygiene

2.2  Personal services workers must maintain good personal hygiene while performing personal services or reprocessing.

2.3  Clothing worn by the personal services worker must be visibly clean at the start of the service.

2.4  Personal services workers with communicable infectious conditions must either refrain from performing personal services, or take necessary precautions to prevent the spread of infectious conditions to clients.

Hand Hygiene and Glove Use

2.5 Hand hygiene must be performed by the personal services worker:

2.5.1 before and after every personal service;

2.5.2 before putting on gloves that will be worn while providing a personal service;

2.5.3 following the removal of gloves that are worn while providing a personal service; and

2.5.4 after reprocessing.

2.6 The use of alcohol-based hand rub for hand hygiene is only permitted when hands are visibly clean.

2.6.1  The alcohol content of alcohol-based hand rub must be 60% to 90%.

2.6.2  Alcohol-based hand rub must have an NPN or DIN issued by Health Canada.

2.6.3  The personal services worker must follow the following steps for the use of alcohol-based hand rub:

2.7 Handwashing with soap and warm running water is required when hands are not visibly clean and must be done in accordance with the following steps:

2.8  Handwashing must not occur in any sink that is used for equipment reprocessing, unless there is a written procedure that personal services workers follow to appropriately clean and disinfect the sink area between reprocessing and handwashing activities.

2.9  Gloves must be worn when personal services involve hand contact with mucous membrane or broken or punctured skin.

ESG TIP: If your gloves are uncomfortable, go down a size!

2.10  Gloves used while providing a personal service must never be reused and used gloves must be discarded.

Handwashing Supplies

2.11 Sinks used for handwashing must be equipped with soap, warm running water, and a sanitary option for drying hands.

Point of Service Risk Assessment

2.12  The personal services worker must assess the condition of the client’s skin, hair, nails, teeth, or body as applicable for signs of infection, infestation, or irritation prior to performing a personal service.

2.13  A personal services worker must not perform a personal service when a client has signs of a skin, hair, nail, tooth, or body condition that could compromise that client’s post- service healing.

2.14  Prior to performing a personal service, the personal service worker must ensure that the equipment to be used as part of the personal service is visibly clean and in good condition and repair.

Cleansing and Antisepsis of Skin and Mucous Membrane

2.15  Personal services workers must follow the written procedures for the cleansing of skin and mucous membrane and the application of antiseptic products.

2.16  Cleansing of the client’s bodily area where the personal service will occur must be performed prior to any service that may involve contact with mucous membrane, or that will puncture or may potentially break skin or mucous membrane.

2.17  When a personal service involves the puncture of the skin, an antiseptic product must also be applied after skin cleansing.

2.18  Antiseptic products must have either a DIN or an NPN issued by Health Canada.

2.19  Personal services workers must follow the instructions for use that accompany an antiseptic product.

Post-Service Care

2.20  Personal services workers must provide clients with verbal and written care instructions following any personal service that punctures the skin or mucous membrane.

2.21  Personal services workers must follow any post-service client care instructions that are specified by the manufacturer where energy-emitting equipment is used in a personal service.

2.22  Dressings used to cover broken or punctured skin must be new and clean.

2.23  Personal services workers must follow the facility-specific written procedures when a client’s skin is accidently cut or punctured during a personal service.

If you are new to the beauty industry and are operating a home business, we recommend our Canadian Spa Industry Standards course to ensure that your business meets regulatory requirements and obligations for the protection of public health and your growing business.


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