alberta human rights act,beauty industry,candidates,employment vacancies,hiring,interviews

Interviews and Candidates
I remember the days sitting on the candidate side of the interview. I think its safe to say the best word I can think of to describe the feeling was… NERVES!!Nervousness is quite common and understandable for the interviewee for pretty obvious reasons- they are the ones looking for employment and on a “quest to impress.”
They’re always thinking prior to the interview:
- “Watch what I say”
- “Sound Professional”
- “Stand Out”
However, most candidates don’t think about the nervousness on the employer’s side. Looking for someone trustworthy, reliable and hard-working who will be a wonderful addition to your team can create some stress.
The employer is always thinking prior to the interview:
- “What will I ask”
- “Be Professional”
- “Hopefully they come” 😛
Additionally, interviewing in the age of social media allows the employer to research the candidate before meeting them. On that note, something else we should also be considering as employers is “do not cross any lines” in the questions we ask.
What questions are OK to ask?
There is this wonderful thing called the Alberta Human Rights Act which applies to everyone, including employers who are interviewing potential employees.This act was created by the Government of Alberta to promote fairness and equality. The act emphasizes 15 protected grounds which are off limits when asking interview questions. Take a look at this valuable tool for employers to use and make sure you keep it professional!
But I want to know all I can about this candidate!
Understandable. When you hire someone you are bringing them into your circle of trust. Details about their personal life would be helpful in making the hiring decision, however, as you prepare your interview questions, keep in mind the protected grounds.Take a look at this ALIS article on what questions are acceptable and what questions are unacceptable for ideas.
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Shauna Jenkins