Posts Tagged ‘employment’

alberta,employment,red seal hairstylist,red seal stylist

What is a red-seal stylist?

A little background information

Did you know that Alberta has over 50 designated trades? What sets these trades apart from other occupations is that they are directed by a board of directors who use the Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Education Act to regulate the involved trades. This board consults with industry experts, for example, schools and employers, to establish and update certification requirements to meet the needs of employers (Tradesecrets, 2024).

The coolest amongst this group of trades is Hairstyling 😉  In the case of hairstylists, the board identifies the particular activities that hairstylists do, for example, cut, colour, perm, etc. These are called “restricted activities.” In other words, only people in the trade can perform those activities. Anyone performing or wanting to perform those activities must identify themselves either as a certified journeyperson, or as a sponsored apprentice with Apprenticeship and Industry Training (AIT).

This is done by either passing an exam to confirm that you meet industry standards, or registering as an apprentice after securing employment under the direct supervision of a certified journeyperson. You can also complete a designated occupational program, but then you still have to work the required hours, plus pass the exam.

Red Seal Endorsement

In Alberta, Hairstyling is considered a Red Seal Journeyman Trade. This means that hairstylists can earn a red seal certification after successfully passing an exam. The Red Seal Exam can be taken after proven certification based on education and hours worked in a salon.

Benefits of the Red Stamp of Approval

The Red Seal endorsement is recognized in Canada. Because it signifies higher standards have been met, employers look for it as an indication of the skill and competency level of potential employees.

Did you know?

In some trades uncertified individuals whose employers deem them to have the skills and competencies expected of a journeyperson are also authorized to perform restricted activities- hairstyling IS NOT one of them!


Tradesecrets 2024, accessed 21 May 2024, <>.

Tradesecrets 2024, accessed 21 May 2024, <>.

Tradesecrets 2024, accessed 21 May 2024, <>.

Tradesecrets 2024, accessed 21 May 2024, <>.

Beauty Industry Resource Centre
(780) 604-2772

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Disability Supports for Beauty Industry Workers

disability supports for beauty industry workers

Careers in Beauty for People with Disabilities

We often don’t see disabled people working in the Personal Care industry, specifically, in beauty occupations. However, many services are ideal for a person with mobility issues. For example, Nail Techs or Lash Techs sit for most of their day.

Training in certain services can prove to form a lucrative career for a person with a mobile disability. For instance, self-employed Lash Techs charge around $80 for 1 hour of service.

Are there government supports to help me find employment?

There are there supports for beauty industry workers with disabilities. Disability Related Employment Supports a.k.a. ‘DRES‘ is a provincial employment support that funds supports or services for Albertans to help them find and maintain employment.

There are also supports for employers who want to hire people with disabilities.

If the eligibility criteria for all parties are met, you may find supports in:

  • education/training,
  • job search, and
  • the workplace

Examples of eligible assistive services:

  • job coach
  • note taker
  • academic aide
  • tutor

Examples of eligible assistive technology:

  • Set-up, installation and training on use of specialized equipment and/or software
  • ramps
  • wheelchair lifts
  • widening doorways
  • making a washroom accessible
  • raising lowering or adapting a work station
  • adapting equipment for the specific use of a person with a disability
  • power door openers


Beauty Industry Resource Centre

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alberta,beauty careers,beauty jobs,career and employment,career guidance,employment,job bank

Job Bank Alberta- Beauty Industry

job bank alberta
ESG Job Bank: Find or post beauty jobs in Alberta.

A job bank dedicated to beauty jobs

Our job bank is beauty industry-specific and accessed by beauty professionals looking for employment opportunities in Alberta, Canada.

About us

Executive Spa Group (ESG) is a beauty industry resource centre. In addition to one-on-one career and employment services, we offer free online resources to help employers connect with job seekers.

Browse job bank by Category

Job seekers can search for jobs based on job category. With 27 categories to choose from, our job bank accommodates many beauty industry employment opportunities.

Browse by Job Type

Job seekers can also search for opportunities based on job type.

ESG tips when job searching

job bank alberta
Photo credit: Andrew Neel
  • Contact ESG for help creating a resume
  • Inform contacts used as references of your active job search
  • Avoid lengthy resume or cover letters
  • Keep job search records
  • Ensure voicemail is appropriate for job search

ESG tips when interviewing

  • Arrive on time, no excuses!
  • Prepare “ready-to-go” answers using the STAR method
  • Create your own list of questions for them
  • Do not offer private information until an offer of employment has been made in writing

Check out some of our other resources:

TRAINING 411: Beauty Educator Directory

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beauty careers,ei,employment,roe,t4. cra

T4 vs ROE- what is the difference?

Image courtesy of Andrea Piacquadio.

The different government forms you need to file can leave your head spinning! This article breaks down the difference between an ROE and a T4.

Record of Employment (ROE)

You file this form when you leave a job for good, or for a period of time. This form is very important because it is the document that determines whether or not you are eligible for Employment Insurance (EI) benefits.

The ROE documents the amount of hours you worked in the last 52 weeks prior to applying for EI. You must have worked at least 420 hours to be eligible for EI regular benefits.

Your employer is responsible to issue your ROE within 5 days of your last day.


You file this form every year that you work, even if you worked only a couple of days during the year.

Any employers that you had throughout the year should provide your T4 by February of the following year. For example, you should be receiving your 2019 T4 by February 2020.

Your annual T4 provides information that determines if you paid enough EI, CPP, and taxes according to how much money you made that year.

This form is used to file your taxes every year, but don’t worry, if you don’t have it, your pay stubs can be used to calculate your annual income.


Beauty Industry Resource Centre

(780) 604-2772

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beauty industry jobs,employment,how to,job search,resume,salon jobs,spa jobs

Avoid writer’s block- how to write a resume

how to write a resume
ESG tips on how to write a resume.

Why is it so hard to write a resume?

Writing a resume is difficult when you lack work experience or the training required to do a specific job. However, even when you have experience and/or training, putting the words down on paper can still prove a challenging task.

We recommend breaking down your resume-writing into two components:

  • Prep Day
  • Typing Day

Prep Day

What is your job goal? Have you narrowed this down to the industry? The particular employer? The more research you do, the better your resume will look.

Now that you’ve thought about your goal, allow yourself some time to think about the skills you think you need to have for your goal. For example, if you want to work at a “ABC Salon and Spa” as a receptionist, ask yourself, “what skills does that receptionist need to have?”

  • A good receptionist has a friendly demeanour and a welcoming smile
  • A good receptionist knows about services and products sold
  • A good receptionist is able to answer questions from clients
  • A good receptionist needs to work well with people
  • A good receptionist knows basic math
  • A good receptionist is able to use point of sales and booking systems
  • A good receptionist has good phone manners
  • A good receptionist ensures the clean maintenance of the facility
  • A good receptionist supports the team

Now that you’ve thought about the skills you would need for that particular position, ask yourself, “what skills do I have that relate?”

Don’t focus so much on your duties at your previous job, as much as the skills you applied there.

If you have little to no work experience, think about skills you may use on your free time. What are your hobbies? Do they include particular skills?

Now that we have a list of your skills to pick from for later, our second task is to think about the personality traits required for your goal.

For example, a good receptionist has the following traits:

  • A good receptionist is friendly
  • A good receptionist is punctual
  • A good receptionist is organized
  • A good receptionist is intuitive
  • A good receptionist is research-oriented

Now that you’ve thought about the traits you would need for that particular position, ask yourself, “what traits do I have that relate?”

Typing Day

Now that you have well-though-out ideas, organizing them into a resume will be a breeze!

Types of Resumes

  1. Chronological resume- your best bet if you have sufficient experience and the training required for your objective
  2. Functional resume- an excellent choice for those with little to no work experience
  3. Combo resume- best for those with skills from another industry not related to your job goal

Check out these helpful links:

Find a Job: A workbook to help you find the job you want

Work Search Basics

Visit our job bank.

Visit our job bank for beauty industry jobs. It is Alberta Beauty Industry- focused and contains up-to-date job listings in Alberta. 

Post your resume in our Resume Bank.

Our resume bank allows you to upload your information for Alberta beauty industry employers to view. We respect your privacy and confidentiality, employers must have a verified account to view your resume.

Before uploading your resume, consider the following notes for protecting your identity.

Are you an ESG alum?

We will help you with your career goals, including your resume! Call to book an appointment with our Career and Employment Consultant to discuss your career path.

Are you interested in a beauty industry job but lack the requirements? ESG offers short training courses to help you reach your goals one step at a time.

With ESG, you can custom-design your beauty career by taking the courses you are interested in. If you are joining the beauty industry, we recommend starting off with esthetics basics like Manicures and Pedicures or Waxing and Tinting.


Beauty Industry Resource Centre

(780) 604 2772

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Executive Spa Group
(780) 604-2772
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