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The author, Silvia Sanchez, graduated from the University of Alberta with a B.A. in Psychology and has over 15 years of experience in the career-consulting field.

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How do BEAUTYPROfiles benefit employers?

Start viewing profiles! visit and create your employer account.


ESG’s BEAUTYPROfiles are professional profiles created by service providers looking for employment opportunities.

Don’t get swamped with ineligible resumes! Our PROfile bank allows you to browse anonymously and search profiles by industry skills.

How do BEAUTYPROfiles work for employers?

The PROfile is a secure way to upload a basic resume. It includes the technical skills (services) they are certified to perform, along with their along education and experience.

Employers are able to browse and review BEAUTYPROfiles after creating an employer account. ESG does not collect personal information.

BEAUTYPROfiles is the first step to communicating with your next candidate. You may reach out to them directly to request a resume or interview.

Though ESG asks all individuals to only include skills for which they are certified to perform, we recommend always conducting your own background check and confirming documentation.

We recommend always meeting for interviews in a public place.

BEAUTYPROfiles are discreet to protect the identity and privacy of Service Providers.


Executive Spa Group
Beauty Industry Resource Centre
(780) 604 2772

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aesthetics,alberta,beauty careers,beauty industry,beauty jobs,canada,cosmetology,employment,esthetics,job search,online job search,portfolio,profiles,resume,resume bank,work

Beauty PROfiles- the newest way to find work!

Our BEAUTYPROfile online feature takes out the “bs” in job search.

How does it work?

Our multiple choice questionnaire makes creating your BEAUTYPROfile a new fun way to look for work!

Once you create your BEAUTYPROfile, it will be posted on our website where hiring beauty industry employers can review your profile.

BEFORE UPLOADING…consider the following notes for protecting your identity when creating your beautyPROfile:

  • ESG will never ask you to include your social insurance number, full name, home address, driver’s license number, credit card or bank account numbers, or other personal identifying information on your beautyPROfile.
  • Cell phone numbers are generally unlisted, home phone numbers are not, therefore, provide your cell phone number instead of giving out your home phone number.
  • Creating an email address that doesn’t include your full name or other identifying information to be used only for your job search is the safest way to go.
  • Always meet with an employer in a public place.


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alberta,beauty industry,beauty jobs,booth rental,chair rental,employees,employment opportunities,freelance employment,job bank,landlord/tenant,post your job listing,room rental,self employed,spa jobs,space rental,staffing

Is chair rental for me?

Post Chair/Room Rental Job Listings Alberta

In a previous article, LinkedIn reports IBISWorld’s notes stating that beauty industry employment will grow steadily through 2017 at a nearly 4% annual rate.

Though these are U.S. figures, Canada is expecting a similar growth rate at 3.1%. In the article What’s Next? Beauty Industry Trends Point to Blooming Booth Rental Market, Elizabeth Kraus discusses relevant industry news as well as 6 ways the growing booth rental market might change the Beauty Industry.

Renting space in your salon/spa has pros and cons. Success in this personnel model depends primarily on 2 factors: your knowledge of rules and regulations on this topic, and the tenant/landlord relationship you conduct.

Like Judiffier Pearson says in the’s article Booth Renting 101: A Guide for Owners and Renters, “The true spirit of booth renting is a tenant-landlord relationship”. Remember, this is an article from the U.S. thereby Canadian information may differ.

If you are well-informed, renting space in your salon or spa can be an excellent method of secure income.

Executive Spa Group provides Alberta beauty industry employers an opportunity to promote their rental opportunities. This is a complimentary service we offer to cultivate Alberta’s beauty industry.

Our job bank features a Room/Chair Rental category where you can post as many details you would like to describe.

Our job bank is free, fast and easy to use. When you post your listing with Executive Spa Group, you are able to post multiple listings for up to 30 days at a time. Candidates submit their resume and other application material directly to you, thereby allowing you to be fully in control of the screening and hiring process.

By advertising in our room rental job bank, you will ensure your posting is seen by beauty professional job seekers across Alberta. Our room rental opportunities job bank can help you reach more qualified service providers than ever before. Simply complete our template outlining the skill set you require and submit it for posting. It’s that easy. And because Executive Spa Group specializes in the beauty industry, finding service providers has never been so easy!
Why post with Executive Spa Group?

  • Our job bank is Alberta Beauty Industry focused
  • Our job bank is visited by Service Providers in Alberta looking for their next employment opportunity
  • attracts top industry employers and job seekers
  • Our job bank is easy-to-use
  • Our job bank is absolutely FREE!

To post your chair/ room rental job listings click HERE.


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Renting Space (CHAIR RENTAL/ROOM RENTAL) in the Beauty Industry

renting space

Renting Space (CHAIR/ROOM RENTAL) in the Beauty Industry- Self-Employment Minus the Headache?

Alberta’s Beauty Industry allows for many ways to make money. You can find an employer that pays an hourly wage, a commission, or a mixture of the two.

Another route to making money in this industry is to rent space in an already established salon or spa. This path is for independent, creative persons who would like to dip their feet into self-employment, but are not yet ready to take the plunge.

Renting space allows you to make your own work hours as per your agreement with the business owner. Keep in mind that most business owners will ask that you create your work schedule around their hours of operations, so keep this in mind when you are looking for a salon/spa to rent space from.

Another benefit of renting space is the ability to offer your own services. This allows you to expand your service menu and only take training that is of interest to you. When you rent space from an already existing business, your services are not legally associated with the services offer by the salon/spa you rent from. In order to avoid a conflict of interest, it is very important to come to a written agreement with the business owner clearly describing the services you are allowed to offer from their salon/spa. Its best to rent space from a salon/spa that does not offer your specific services, otherwise, you may end up creating an ugly, competitive environment for yourself.

The ability to use your creativity to attract new clients is another benefit of renting space. As a space renter, it is your responsibility to get new clients to give your services a try. If you rent space from a thriving salon/spa, you will see a steady flow of clients, however, this does not mean they will become your clients too. You will need to create marketing material to promote your services. This can include business cards, social media, posters, etc. Ensure you and the business owner agree to your marketing methods and how much space in the salon/spa will be designated for your marketing material. For example, will you be allowed to put your sign on the front window? Remember, all these things will matter as your services become more popular and you grow. A sound, clear, thorough contract will help to eliminate unwanted matters in the future.

Renting space allows for control of your work/life balance. As long as you work within the salon/spa’s hours of operations, you book your own clients thereby controlling your own schedule. You also process your own payments, so only you know your financial standing at the end of each month, thereby you decide how you will balance your work/life budget.

Sounds good so far? Consider this…
  • You will need to make a small financial investment with the potential for loss. This small investment is pocket change in comparison to how much you would have to spend if you were opening your own business.
  • You will work independently, however, if you choose a positive environment you will have a support system of the salon/spa staff.
  • You will be giving up benefits, such as E.I., holiday pay and sick days, but your schedule is always up to you.
  • You will have to manage an unpredictable income, so ensure your life situation allows for a certain degree of uncertainty.
Still can’t decide if renting space is for you? Your decision can only be made after careful consideration of several factors.

Your personal situation, including your health, your family’s health, your financial situation, your support system, your family responsibilities, and your commitments all matter.

In addition, your skills and knowledge must be evident to your clients. Also, you must be willing to work hard and persistenty, and build long-lasting realtionships with your clients and distributors.

  • Insurance
  • Business license
  • Certification (as per occupation)
For more information, contact Executive Spa Group. Whatever decision you make, we wish you the best of luck!

Executive Spa Group
Cultivating Alberta’s Beauty Industry
(780) 604 2772

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interview skills,interview tips,job search,job seekers

Beauty Industry Interview Tips

interview tips

Interview Tips for Beauty Industry Job Seekers

At ESG, we understand interviews can be a scary thing, so we decided to share some interview tips with beauty industry job seekers.

Before we start, let’s keep in mind a few things…

Things to remember:

  • Both parties want to make a deal
  • First, show you have the skills required
  • Second, find out if you are actually interested in the job


Try to follow these steps:

  • Find out as much as you can: Who is interviewing you and what are their positions in the salon/spa?
  • Always answer your phone professionally while looking for work
  • Voicemail- make sure your message reflects your professionalism


Things to remember:

  • They don’t know you, or your skills and knowledge. Explain yourself thoroughly when answering questions
  • Ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask the tough questions such as pay and benefits
  • Body language. Refrain from crossing your arms, slouching, etc.
  • Ask to rephrase if you do not understand the question
  • Ask if you can take notes. Writing down questions helps some people concentrate and also gives you the opportunity to come back to a question if you get stuck. Clarify to the interviewer that you intend to leave your notes behind
  • Thank the interviewer

Typical Questions

1. Questions about you and your skills
“Tell me about yourself/Strengths/weaknesses.”
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. The interviewer wants to ensure you are working on your current weaknesses.

2. “What if” questions
“Tell me about a time when you had a conflict with a coworker.”
The interviewer wants to know how you have actually handled conflict, not how you hope to handle conflict in a best-case scenario.

3. Your interest in the spa/salon
“Why do you want to work here?”
The interviewer is looking for commitment. NEVER give a vague answer. Show the interviewer you’ve done your research.

4. Plans and expectations
“Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”
The interviewer wants to make sure that you are motivated enough to be promoted in time.

We recommend you write down answers to all the questions above and practice reciting them before your interview. Writing your answers will prepare your response and avoid those awkward “ummm”s.

Be prepared for a technical interview if your first meeting goes well!

We hope our interview tips help. Good luck on your interview!

Visit our job bank.

Beauty Industry Resource Centre
(780) 604 2772

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Executive Spa Group
(780) 604-2772
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